Library Coq.Numbers.Natural.BigN.NMake_gen
Require Import BigNumPrelude ZArith Ndigits CyclicAxioms
DoubleType DoubleMul DoubleDivn1 DoubleCyclic Nbasic
Wf_nat StreamMemo.
Module Make (W0:CyclicType) <: NAbstract.
Local Notation w0 := W0.t.
Definition w1 := zn2z w0.
Definition w2 := zn2z w1.
Definition w3 := zn2z w2.
Definition w4 := zn2z w3.
Definition w5 := zn2z w4.
Definition w6 := zn2z w5.
Local Notation w0_op := W0.ops.
Instance w1_op : ZnZ.Ops w1 := mk_zn2z_ops w0_op.
Instance w2_op : ZnZ.Ops w2 := mk_zn2z_ops w1_op.
Instance w3_op : ZnZ.Ops w3 := mk_zn2z_ops w2_op.
Instance w4_op : ZnZ.Ops w4 := mk_zn2z_ops_karatsuba w3_op.
Instance w5_op : ZnZ.Ops w5 := mk_zn2z_ops_karatsuba w4_op.
Instance w6_op : ZnZ.Ops w6 := mk_zn2z_ops_karatsuba w5_op.
Instance w7_op : ZnZ.Ops (word w6 1) := mk_zn2z_ops_karatsuba w6_op.
Instance w8_op : ZnZ.Ops (word w6 2) := mk_zn2z_ops_karatsuba w7_op.
Instance w9_op : ZnZ.Ops (word w6 3) := mk_zn2z_ops_karatsuba w8_op.
Section Make_op.
Variable mk : forall w´, ZnZ.Ops w´ -> ZnZ.Ops (zn2z w´).
Fixpoint make_op_aux (n:nat) : ZnZ.Ops (word w6 (S n)):=
match n return ZnZ.Ops (word w6 (S n)) with
| O => w7_op
| S n1 =>
match n1 return ZnZ.Ops (word w6 (S (S n1))) with
| O => w8_op
| S n2 =>
match n2 return ZnZ.Ops (word w6 (S (S (S n2)))) with
| O => w9_op
| S n3 => mk _ (mk _ (mk _ (make_op_aux n3)))
End Make_op.
Definition omake_op := make_op_aux mk_zn2z_ops_karatsuba.
Definition make_op_list := dmemo_list _ omake_op.
Instance make_op n : ZnZ.Ops (word w6 (S n))
:= dmemo_get _ omake_op n make_op_list.
Ltac unfold_ops := unfold omake_op, make_op_aux, w9_op, w8_op.
Lemma make_op_omake: forall n, make_op n = omake_op n.
Theorem make_op_S: forall n,
make_op (S n) = mk_zn2z_ops_karatsuba (make_op n).
Inductive t´ :=
| N0 : w0 -> t´
| N1 : w1 -> t´
| N2 : w2 -> t´
| N3 : w3 -> t´
| N4 : w4 -> t´
| N5 : w5 -> t´
| N6 : w6 -> t´
| Nn : forall n, word w6 (S n) -> t´.
Definition t := t´.
Local Notation SizePlus n := (S (S (S (S (S (S n)))))).
Local Notation Size := (SizePlus O).
Tactic Notation "do_size" tactic(t) := do 7 t.
Definition dom_t n := match n with
| 0 => w0
| 1 => w1
| 2 => w2
| 3 => w3
| 4 => w4
| 5 => w5
| 6 => w6
| SizePlus n => word w6 n
Instance dom_op n : ZnZ.Ops (dom_t n) | 10.
Definition iter_t {A:Type}(f : forall n, dom_t n -> A) : t -> A :=
let f0 := f 0 in
let f1 := f 1 in
let f2 := f 2 in
let f3 := f 3 in
let f4 := f 4 in
let f5 := f 5 in
let f6 := f 6 in
let fn n := f (SizePlus (S n)) in
fun x => match x with
| N0 wx => f0 wx
| N1 wx => f1 wx
| N2 wx => f2 wx
| N3 wx => f3 wx
| N4 wx => f4 wx
| N5 wx => f5 wx
| N6 wx => f6 wx
| Nn n wx => fn n wx
Definition mk_t (n:nat) : dom_t n -> t :=
match n as n´ return dom_t n´ -> t with
| 0 => N0
| 1 => N1
| 2 => N2
| 3 => N3
| 4 => N4
| 5 => N5
| 6 => N6
| SizePlus (S n) => Nn n
Definition level := iter_t (fun n _ => n).
Inductive View_t : t -> Prop :=
Mk_t : forall n (x : dom_t n), View_t (mk_t n x).
Lemma destr_t : forall x, View_t x.
Lemma iter_mk_t : forall A (f:forall n, dom_t n -> A),
forall n x, iter_t f (mk_t n x) = f n x.
Definition to_Z : t -> Z :=
Eval lazy beta iota delta [iter_t dom_t dom_op] in
iter_t (fun _ x => ZnZ.to_Z x).
Notation "[ x ]" := (to_Z x).
Theorem spec_mk_t : forall n (x:dom_t n), [mk_t n x] = ZnZ.to_Z x.
Regular make op, without memoization or karatsuba
Fixpoint nmake_op (ww:Type) (ww_op: ZnZ.Ops ww) (n: nat) :
ZnZ.Ops (word ww n) :=
match n return ZnZ.Ops (word ww n) with
O => ww_op
| S n1 => mk_zn2z_ops (nmake_op ww ww_op n1)
Let eval n m := ZnZ.to_Z (Ops:=nmake_op _ (dom_op n) m).
Theorem nmake_op_S: forall ww (w_op: ZnZ.Ops ww) x,
nmake_op _ w_op (S x) = mk_zn2z_ops (nmake_op _ w_op x).
Theorem digits_nmake_S :forall n ww (w_op: ZnZ.Ops ww),
ZnZ.digits (nmake_op _ w_op (S n)) =
xO (ZnZ.digits (nmake_op _ w_op n)).
Theorem digits_nmake : forall n ww (w_op: ZnZ.Ops ww),
ZnZ.digits (nmake_op _ w_op n) = Pos.shiftl_nat (ZnZ.digits w_op) n.
Theorem nmake_double: forall n ww (w_op: ZnZ.Ops ww),
ZnZ.to_Z (Ops:=nmake_op _ w_op n) =
@DoubleBase.double_to_Z _ (ZnZ.digits w_op) (ZnZ.to_Z (Ops:=w_op)) n.
Theorem nmake_WW: forall ww ww_op n xh xl,
(ZnZ.to_Z (Ops:=nmake_op ww ww_op (S n)) (WW xh xl) =
ZnZ.to_Z (Ops:=nmake_op ww ww_op n) xh *
base (ZnZ.digits (nmake_op ww ww_op n)) +
ZnZ.to_Z (Ops:=nmake_op ww ww_op n) xl)%Z.
Typeclasses Opaque w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6.
Instance w0_spec: ZnZ.Specs w0_op := W0.specs.
Instance w1_spec: ZnZ.Specs w1_op := mk_zn2z_specs w0_spec.
Instance w2_spec: ZnZ.Specs w2_op := mk_zn2z_specs w1_spec.
Instance w3_spec: ZnZ.Specs w3_op := mk_zn2z_specs w2_spec.
Instance w4_spec: ZnZ.Specs w4_op := mk_zn2z_specs_karatsuba w3_spec.
Instance w5_spec: ZnZ.Specs w5_op := mk_zn2z_specs_karatsuba w4_spec.
Instance w6_spec: ZnZ.Specs w6_op := mk_zn2z_specs_karatsuba w5_spec.
Instance w7_spec: ZnZ.Specs w7_op := mk_zn2z_specs_karatsuba w6_spec.
Instance wn_spec (n:nat) : ZnZ.Specs (make_op n).
Instance dom_spec n : ZnZ.Specs (dom_op n) | 10.
Let make_op_WW : forall n x y,
(ZnZ.to_Z (Ops:=make_op (S n)) (WW x y) =
ZnZ.to_Z (Ops:=make_op n) x * base (ZnZ.digits (make_op n))
+ ZnZ.to_Z (Ops:=make_op n) y)%Z.
Definition zero0 : w0 :=
Definition zeron n : dom_t n :=
match n with
| O => zero0
| SizePlus (S n) => W0
| _ => W0
Lemma spec_zeron : forall n, ZnZ.to_Z (zeron n) = 0%Z.
Lemma digits_make_op_0 : forall n,
ZnZ.digits (make_op n) = Pos.shiftl_nat (ZnZ.digits (dom_op Size)) (S n).
Lemma digits_make_op : forall n,
ZnZ.digits (make_op n) = Pos.shiftl_nat (ZnZ.digits w0_op) (SizePlus (S n)).
Lemma digits_dom_op : forall n,
ZnZ.digits (dom_op n) = Pos.shiftl_nat (ZnZ.digits w0_op) n.
Lemma digits_dom_op_nmake : forall n m,
ZnZ.digits (dom_op (m+n)) = ZnZ.digits (nmake_op _ (dom_op n) m).
Conversion between zn2z (dom_t n) and dom_t (S n).
Definition succ_t n : zn2z (dom_t n) -> dom_t (S n) :=
match n with
| SizePlus (S _) => fun x => x
| _ => fun x => x
Lemma spec_succ_t : forall n x,
ZnZ.to_Z (succ_t n x) =
zn2z_to_Z (base (ZnZ.digits (dom_op n))) ZnZ.to_Z x.
Definition pred_t n : dom_t (S n) -> zn2z (dom_t n) :=
match n with
| SizePlus (S _) => fun x => x
| _ => fun x => x
Lemma succ_pred_t : forall n x, succ_t n (pred_t n x) = x.
We can hence project from zn2z (dom_t n) to t :
Definition mk_t_S n (x : zn2z (dom_t n)) : t :=
mk_t (S n) (succ_t n x).
Lemma spec_mk_t_S : forall n x,
[mk_t_S n x] = zn2z_to_Z (base (ZnZ.digits (dom_op n))) ZnZ.to_Z x.
Lemma mk_t_S_level : forall n x, level (mk_t_S n x) = S n.
Conversion from word (dom_t n) m to dom_t (m+n).
Definition zn2z_map {A} {B} (f:A->B) (x:zn2z A) : zn2z B :=
match x with
| W0 => W0
| WW h l => WW (f h) (f l)
Lemma zn2z_map_id : forall A f (x:zn2z A), (forall u, f u = u) ->
zn2z_map f x = x.
The naive version
Fixpoint plus_t n m : word (dom_t n) m -> dom_t (m+n) :=
match m as m´ return word (dom_t n) m´ -> dom_t (m´+n) with
| O => fun x => x
| S m => fun x => succ_t _ (zn2z_map (plus_t n m) x)
Theorem spec_plus_t : forall n m (x:word (dom_t n) m),
ZnZ.to_Z (plus_t n m x) = eval n m x.
Definition mk_t_w n m (x:word (dom_t n) m) : t :=
mk_t (m+n) (plus_t n m x).
Theorem spec_mk_t_w : forall n m (x:word (dom_t n) m),
[mk_t_w n m x] = eval n m x.
The optimized version.
NB: the last particular case for m could depend on n,
but it's simplier to just expand everywhere up to m=7
(cf mk_t_w´ later).
Definition plus_t´ n : forall m, word (dom_t n) m -> dom_t (m+n) :=
match n return (forall m, word (dom_t n) m -> dom_t (m+n)) with
| SizePlus (S n´) as n => plus_t n
| _ as n =>
fun m => match m return (word (dom_t n) m -> dom_t (m+n)) with
| SizePlus (S (S m´)) as m => plus_t n m
| _ => fun x => x
Lemma plus_t_equiv : forall n m x,
plus_t´ n m x = plus_t n m x.
Lemma spec_plus_t´ : forall n m x,
ZnZ.to_Z (plus_t´ n m x) = eval n m x.
Particular cases Nk x = eval i j x with specific k,i,j
can be solved by the following tactic
The last particular case that remains useful
An optimized mk_t_w.
We could say mk_t_w' := mk_t _ (plus_t' n m x)
Instead we directly define functions for all intersting n,
reverting to naive mk_t_w at places that should normally
never be used (see mul and div_gt).
Let mk_t_0w m := Eval cbv beta zeta iota delta [ mk_t plus ] in
match m return word w0 (S m) -> t with
| (S (S (S (S (S (S (S _))))))) as p => mk_t_w 0 (S p)
| p => mk_t (1+p)
Let mk_t_1w m := Eval cbv beta zeta iota delta [ mk_t plus ] in
match m return word w1 (S m) -> t with
| (S (S (S (S (S (S _)))))) as p => mk_t_w 1 (S p)
| p => mk_t (2+p)
Let mk_t_2w m := Eval cbv beta zeta iota delta [ mk_t plus ] in
match m return word w2 (S m) -> t with
| (S (S (S (S (S _))))) as p => mk_t_w 2 (S p)
| p => mk_t (3+p)
Let mk_t_3w m := Eval cbv beta zeta iota delta [ mk_t plus ] in
match m return word w3 (S m) -> t with
| (S (S (S (S _)))) as p => mk_t_w 3 (S p)
| p => mk_t (4+p)
Let mk_t_4w m := Eval cbv beta zeta iota delta [ mk_t plus ] in
match m return word w4 (S m) -> t with
| (S (S (S _))) as p => mk_t_w 4 (S p)
| p => mk_t (5+p)
Let mk_t_5w m := Eval cbv beta zeta iota delta [ mk_t plus ] in
match m return word w5 (S m) -> t with
| (S (S _)) as p => mk_t_w 5 (S p)
| p => mk_t (6+p)
Let mk_t_w´ n : forall m, word (dom_t n) (S m) -> t :=
match n return (forall m, word (dom_t n) (S m) -> t) with
| 0 => mk_t_0w
| 1 => mk_t_1w
| 2 => mk_t_2w
| 3 => mk_t_3w
| 4 => mk_t_4w
| 5 => mk_t_5w
| Size => Nn
| _ as n´ => fun m => mk_t_w n´ (S m)
Ltac solve_spec_mk_t_w´ :=
rewrite <- spec_plus_t´;
match goal with _ : word (dom_t ?n) ?m |- _ => apply (spec_mk_t (n+m)) end.
Theorem spec_mk_t_w´ :
forall n m x, [mk_t_w´ n m x] = eval n (S m) x.
Definition extend n m (x:dom_t n) : word (dom_t n) (S m) :=
DoubleBase.extend_aux m (WW (zeron n) x).
Lemma spec_extend : forall n m x,
[mk_t n x] = eval n (S m) (extend n m x).
A particular case of extend, used in same_level:
extend_size is extend Size
Definition extend_size := DoubleBase.extend (WW (W0:dom_t Size)).
Lemma spec_extend_size : forall n x, [mk_t Size x] = [Nn n (extend_size n x)].
Misc results about extensions
Let spec_extend_WW : forall n x,
[Nn (S n) (WW W0 x)] = [Nn n x].
Let spec_extend_tr: forall m n w,
[Nn (m + n) (extend_tr w m)] = [Nn n w].
Let spec_cast_l: forall n m x1,
[Nn n x1] =
[Nn (Max.max n m) (castm (diff_r n m) (extend_tr x1 (snd (diff n m))))].
Let spec_cast_r: forall n m x1,
[Nn m x1] =
[Nn (Max.max n m) (castm (diff_l n m) (extend_tr x1 (fst (diff n m))))].
Ltac unfold_lets :=
match goal with
| h : _ |- _ => unfold h; clear h; unfold_lets
| _ => idtac
Section SameLevel.
Variable res: Type.
Variable P : Z -> Z -> res -> Prop.
Variable f : forall n, dom_t n -> dom_t n -> res.
Variable Pf : forall n x y, P (ZnZ.to_Z x) (ZnZ.to_Z y) (f n x y).
Let f0 : w0 -> w0 -> res := f 0.
Let f1 : w1 -> w1 -> res := f 1.
Let f2 : w2 -> w2 -> res := f 2.
Let f3 : w3 -> w3 -> res := f 3.
Let f4 : w4 -> w4 -> res := f 4.
Let f5 : w5 -> w5 -> res := f 5.
Let f6 : w6 -> w6 -> res := f 6.
Let fn n := f (SizePlus (S n)).
Let Pf´ :
forall n x y u v, u = [mk_t n x] -> v = [mk_t n y] -> P u v (f n x y).
Notation same_level_folded := (fun x y => match x, y with
| N0 wx, N0 wy => f0 wx wy
| N0 wx, N1 wy => f1 (extend 0 0 wx) wy
| N0 wx, N2 wy => f2 (extend 0 1 wx) wy
| N0 wx, N3 wy => f3 (extend 0 2 wx) wy
| N0 wx, N4 wy => f4 (extend 0 3 wx) wy
| N0 wx, N5 wy => f5 (extend 0 4 wx) wy
| N0 wx, N6 wy => f6 (extend 0 5 wx) wy
| N0 wx, Nn m wy => fn m (extend_size m (extend 0 5 wx)) wy
| N1 wx, N0 wy => f1 wx (extend 0 0 wy)
| N1 wx, N1 wy => f1 wx wy
| N1 wx, N2 wy => f2 (extend 1 0 wx) wy
| N1 wx, N3 wy => f3 (extend 1 1 wx) wy
| N1 wx, N4 wy => f4 (extend 1 2 wx) wy
| N1 wx, N5 wy => f5 (extend 1 3 wx) wy
| N1 wx, N6 wy => f6 (extend 1 4 wx) wy
| N1 wx, Nn m wy => fn m (extend_size m (extend 1 4 wx)) wy
| N2 wx, N0 wy => f2 wx (extend 0 1 wy)
| N2 wx, N1 wy => f2 wx (extend 1 0 wy)
| N2 wx, N2 wy => f2 wx wy
| N2 wx, N3 wy => f3 (extend 2 0 wx) wy
| N2 wx, N4 wy => f4 (extend 2 1 wx) wy
| N2 wx, N5 wy => f5 (extend 2 2 wx) wy
| N2 wx, N6 wy => f6 (extend 2 3 wx) wy
| N2 wx, Nn m wy => fn m (extend_size m (extend 2 3 wx)) wy
| N3 wx, N0 wy => f3 wx (extend 0 2 wy)
| N3 wx, N1 wy => f3 wx (extend 1 1 wy)
| N3 wx, N2 wy => f3 wx (extend 2 0 wy)
| N3 wx, N3 wy => f3 wx wy
| N3 wx, N4 wy => f4 (extend 3 0 wx) wy
| N3 wx, N5 wy => f5 (extend 3 1 wx) wy
| N3 wx, N6 wy => f6 (extend 3 2 wx) wy
| N3 wx, Nn m wy => fn m (extend_size m (extend 3 2 wx)) wy
| N4 wx, N0 wy => f4 wx (extend 0 3 wy)
| N4 wx, N1 wy => f4 wx (extend 1 2 wy)
| N4 wx, N2 wy => f4 wx (extend 2 1 wy)
| N4 wx, N3 wy => f4 wx (extend 3 0 wy)
| N4 wx, N4 wy => f4 wx wy
| N4 wx, N5 wy => f5 (extend 4 0 wx) wy
| N4 wx, N6 wy => f6 (extend 4 1 wx) wy
| N4 wx, Nn m wy => fn m (extend_size m (extend 4 1 wx)) wy
| N5 wx, N0 wy => f5 wx (extend 0 4 wy)
| N5 wx, N1 wy => f5 wx (extend 1 3 wy)
| N5 wx, N2 wy => f5 wx (extend 2 2 wy)
| N5 wx, N3 wy => f5 wx (extend 3 1 wy)
| N5 wx, N4 wy => f5 wx (extend 4 0 wy)
| N5 wx, N5 wy => f5 wx wy
| N5 wx, N6 wy => f6 (extend 5 0 wx) wy
| N5 wx, Nn m wy => fn m (extend_size m (extend 5 0 wx)) wy
| N6 wx, N0 wy => f6 wx (extend 0 5 wy)
| N6 wx, N1 wy => f6 wx (extend 1 4 wy)
| N6 wx, N2 wy => f6 wx (extend 2 3 wy)
| N6 wx, N3 wy => f6 wx (extend 3 2 wy)
| N6 wx, N4 wy => f6 wx (extend 4 1 wy)
| N6 wx, N5 wy => f6 wx (extend 5 0 wy)
| N6 wx, N6 wy => f6 wx wy
| N6 wx, Nn m wy => fn m (extend_size m wx) wy
| Nn n wx, N0 wy => fn n wx (extend_size n (extend 0 5 wy))
| Nn n wx, N1 wy => fn n wx (extend_size n (extend 1 4 wy))
| Nn n wx, N2 wy => fn n wx (extend_size n (extend 2 3 wy))
| Nn n wx, N3 wy => fn n wx (extend_size n (extend 3 2 wy))
| Nn n wx, N4 wy => fn n wx (extend_size n (extend 4 1 wy))
| Nn n wx, N5 wy => fn n wx (extend_size n (extend 5 0 wy))
| Nn n wx, N6 wy => fn n wx (extend_size n wy)
| Nn n wx, Nn m wy =>
let mn := Max.max n m in
let d := diff n m in
fn mn
(castm (diff_r n m) (extend_tr wx (snd d)))
(castm (diff_l n m) (extend_tr wy (fst d)))
Definition same_level := Eval lazy beta iota delta
[ DoubleBase.extend DoubleBase.extend_aux extend zeron ]
in same_level_folded.
Lemma spec_same_level_0: forall x y, P [x] [y] (same_level x y).
End SameLevel.
Theorem spec_same_level_dep :
forall res
(P : nat -> Z -> Z -> res -> Prop)
(Pantimon : forall n m z z´ r, n <= m -> P m z z´ r -> P n z z´ r)
(f : forall n, dom_t n -> dom_t n -> res)
(Pf: forall n x y, P n (ZnZ.to_Z x) (ZnZ.to_Z y) (f n x y)),
forall x y, P (level x) [x] [y] (same_level f x y).
Section Iter.
Variable res: Type.
Variable P: Z -> Z -> res -> Prop.
Variable f : forall n, dom_t n -> dom_t n -> res.
Variable Pf : forall n x y, P (ZnZ.to_Z x) (ZnZ.to_Z y) (f n x y).
Variable fd : forall n m, dom_t n -> word (dom_t n) (S m) -> res.
Variable fg : forall n m, word (dom_t n) (S m) -> dom_t n -> res.
Variable Pfd : forall n m x y, P (ZnZ.to_Z x) (eval n (S m) y) (fd n m x y).
Variable Pfg : forall n m x y, P (eval n (S m) x) (ZnZ.to_Z y) (fg n m x y).
Variable fnm: forall n m, word (dom_t Size) (S n) -> word (dom_t Size) (S m) -> res.
Variable Pfnm: forall n m x y, P [Nn n x] [Nn m y] (fnm n m x y).
Let Pf´ :
forall n x y u v, u = [mk_t n x] -> v = [mk_t n y] -> P u v (f n x y).
Let Pfd´ : forall n m x y u v, u = [mk_t n x] -> v = eval n (S m) y ->
P u v (fd n m x y).
Let Pfg´ : forall n m x y u v, u = eval n (S m) x -> v = [mk_t n y] ->
P u v (fg n m x y).
Let f0 := f 0.
Let f1 := f 1.
Let f2 := f 2.
Let f3 := f 3.
Let f4 := f 4.
Let f5 := f 5.
Let f6 := f 6.
Let f0n := fd 0.
Let fn0 := fg 0.
Let f1n := fd 1.
Let fn1 := fg 1.
Let f2n := fd 2.
Let fn2 := fg 2.
Let f3n := fd 3.
Let fn3 := fg 3.
Let f4n := fd 4.
Let fn4 := fg 4.
Let f5n := fd 5.
Let fn5 := fg 5.
Let f6n := fd 6.
Let fn6 := fg 6.
Notation iter_folded := (fun x y => match x, y with
| N0 wx, N0 wy => f0 wx wy
| N0 wx, N1 wy => f0n 0 wx wy
| N0 wx, N2 wy => f0n 1 wx wy
| N0 wx, N3 wy => f0n 2 wx wy
| N0 wx, N4 wy => f0n 3 wx wy
| N0 wx, N5 wy => f0n 4 wx wy
| N0 wx, N6 wy => f0n 5 wx wy
| N0 wx, Nn m wy => f6n m (extend 0 5 wx) wy
| N1 wx, N0 wy => fn0 0 wx wy
| N1 wx, N1 wy => f1 wx wy
| N1 wx, N2 wy => f1n 0 wx wy
| N1 wx, N3 wy => f1n 1 wx wy
| N1 wx, N4 wy => f1n 2 wx wy
| N1 wx, N5 wy => f1n 3 wx wy
| N1 wx, N6 wy => f1n 4 wx wy
| N1 wx, Nn m wy => f6n m (extend 1 4 wx) wy
| N2 wx, N0 wy => fn0 1 wx wy
| N2 wx, N1 wy => fn1 0 wx wy
| N2 wx, N2 wy => f2 wx wy
| N2 wx, N3 wy => f2n 0 wx wy
| N2 wx, N4 wy => f2n 1 wx wy
| N2 wx, N5 wy => f2n 2 wx wy
| N2 wx, N6 wy => f2n 3 wx wy
| N2 wx, Nn m wy => f6n m (extend 2 3 wx) wy
| N3 wx, N0 wy => fn0 2 wx wy
| N3 wx, N1 wy => fn1 1 wx wy
| N3 wx, N2 wy => fn2 0 wx wy
| N3 wx, N3 wy => f3 wx wy
| N3 wx, N4 wy => f3n 0 wx wy
| N3 wx, N5 wy => f3n 1 wx wy
| N3 wx, N6 wy => f3n 2 wx wy
| N3 wx, Nn m wy => f6n m (extend 3 2 wx) wy
| N4 wx, N0 wy => fn0 3 wx wy
| N4 wx, N1 wy => fn1 2 wx wy
| N4 wx, N2 wy => fn2 1 wx wy
| N4 wx, N3 wy => fn3 0 wx wy
| N4 wx, N4 wy => f4 wx wy
| N4 wx, N5 wy => f4n 0 wx wy
| N4 wx, N6 wy => f4n 1 wx wy
| N4 wx, Nn m wy => f6n m (extend 4 1 wx) wy
| N5 wx, N0 wy => fn0 4 wx wy
| N5 wx, N1 wy => fn1 3 wx wy
| N5 wx, N2 wy => fn2 2 wx wy
| N5 wx, N3 wy => fn3 1 wx wy
| N5 wx, N4 wy => fn4 0 wx wy
| N5 wx, N5 wy => f5 wx wy
| N5 wx, N6 wy => f5n 0 wx wy
| N5 wx, Nn m wy => f6n m (extend 5 0 wx) wy
| N6 wx, N0 wy => fn0 5 wx wy
| N6 wx, N1 wy => fn1 4 wx wy
| N6 wx, N2 wy => fn2 3 wx wy
| N6 wx, N3 wy => fn3 2 wx wy
| N6 wx, N4 wy => fn4 1 wx wy
| N6 wx, N5 wy => fn5 0 wx wy
| N6 wx, N6 wy => f6 wx wy
| N6 wx, Nn m wy => f6n m wx wy
| Nn n wx, N0 wy => fn6 n wx (extend 0 5 wy)
| Nn n wx, N1 wy => fn6 n wx (extend 1 4 wy)
| Nn n wx, N2 wy => fn6 n wx (extend 2 3 wy)
| Nn n wx, N3 wy => fn6 n wx (extend 3 2 wy)
| Nn n wx, N4 wy => fn6 n wx (extend 4 1 wy)
| Nn n wx, N5 wy => fn6 n wx (extend 5 0 wy)
| Nn n wx, N6 wy => fn6 n wx wy
| Nn n wx, Nn m wy => fnm n m wx wy
Definition iter := Eval lazy beta iota delta
[extend DoubleBase.extend DoubleBase.extend_aux zeron]
in iter_folded.
Lemma spec_iter: forall x y, P [x] [y] (iter x y).
End Iter.
Definition switch
(P:nat->Type)(f0:P 0)(f1:P 1)(f2:P 2)(f3:P 3)(f4:P 4)(f5:P 5)(f6:P 6)
(fn:forall n, P n) n :=
match n return P n with
| 0 => f0
| 1 => f1
| 2 => f2
| 3 => f3
| 4 => f4
| 5 => f5
| 6 => f6
| n => fn n
Lemma spec_switch : forall P (f:forall n, P n) n,
switch P (f 0) (f 1) (f 2) (f 3) (f 4) (f 5) (f 6) f n = f n.
Section IterSym.
Variable res: Type.
Variable P: Z -> Z -> res -> Prop.
Variable f : forall n, dom_t n -> dom_t n -> res.
Variable Pf : forall n x y, P (ZnZ.to_Z x) (ZnZ.to_Z y) (f n x y).
Variable fg : forall n m, word (dom_t n) (S m) -> dom_t n -> res.
Variable Pfg : forall n m x y, P (eval n (S m) x) (ZnZ.to_Z y) (fg n m x y).
Variable fnm: forall n m, word (dom_t Size) (S n) -> word (dom_t Size) (S m) -> res.
Variable Pfnm: forall n m x y, P [Nn n x] [Nn m y] (fnm n m x y).
Variable opp: res -> res.
Variable Popp : forall u v r, P u v r -> P v u (opp r).
Let f0 := f 0.
Let f1 := f 1.
Let f2 := f 2.
Let f3 := f 3.
Let f4 := f 4.
Let f5 := f 5.
Let f6 := f 6.
Let fn0 := fg 0.
Let fn1 := fg 1.
Let fn2 := fg 2.
Let fn3 := fg 3.
Let fn4 := fg 4.
Let fn5 := fg 5.
Let fn6 := fg 6.
Let f´ := switch _ f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f.
Let fg´ := switch _ fn0 fn1 fn2 fn3 fn4 fn5 fn6 fg.
Local Notation iter_sym_folded :=
(iter res f´ (fun n m x y => opp (fg´ n m y x)) fg´ fnm).
Definition iter_sym :=
Eval lazy beta zeta iota delta [iter f´ fg´ switch] in iter_sym_folded.
Lemma spec_iter_sym: forall x y, P [x] [y] (iter_sym x y).
End IterSym.
Fixpoint red_t n : dom_t n -> t :=
match n return dom_t n -> t with
| O => N0
| S n => fun x =>
let x´ := pred_t n x in
reduce_n1 _ _ (N0 zero0) ZnZ.eq0 (red_t n) (mk_t_S n) x´
Lemma spec_red_t : forall n x, [red_t n x] = [mk_t n x].
... then a specialized one
Definition eq00 := @ZnZ.eq0 _ w0_op.
Definition eq01 := @ZnZ.eq0 _ w1_op.
Definition eq02 := @ZnZ.eq0 _ w2_op.
Definition eq03 := @ZnZ.eq0 _ w3_op.
Definition eq04 := @ZnZ.eq0 _ w4_op.
Definition eq05 := @ZnZ.eq0 _ w5_op.
Definition eq06 := @ZnZ.eq0 _ w6_op.
Definition reduce_0 := N0.
Definition reduce_1 :=
Eval lazy beta iota delta [reduce_n1] in
reduce_n1 _ _ (N0 zero0) eq00 reduce_0 N1.
Definition reduce_2 :=
Eval lazy beta iota delta [reduce_n1] in
reduce_n1 _ _ (N0 zero0) eq01 reduce_1 N2.
Definition reduce_3 :=
Eval lazy beta iota delta [reduce_n1] in
reduce_n1 _ _ (N0 zero0) eq02 reduce_2 N3.
Definition reduce_4 :=
Eval lazy beta iota delta [reduce_n1] in
reduce_n1 _ _ (N0 zero0) eq03 reduce_3 N4.
Definition reduce_5 :=
Eval lazy beta iota delta [reduce_n1] in
reduce_n1 _ _ (N0 zero0) eq04 reduce_4 N5.
Definition reduce_6 :=
Eval lazy beta iota delta [reduce_n1] in
reduce_n1 _ _ (N0 zero0) eq05 reduce_5 N6.
Definition reduce_7 :=
Eval lazy beta iota delta [reduce_n1] in
reduce_n1 _ _ (N0 zero0) eq06 reduce_6 (Nn 0).
Definition reduce_n n :=
Eval lazy beta iota delta [reduce_n] in
reduce_n _ _ (N0 zero0) reduce_7 Nn n.
Definition reduce n : dom_t n -> t :=
match n with
| 0 => reduce_0
| 1 => reduce_1
| 2 => reduce_2
| 3 => reduce_3
| 4 => reduce_4
| 5 => reduce_5
| 6 => reduce_6
| SizePlus (S n) => reduce_n n
Ltac unfold_red := unfold reduce, reduce_1, reduce_2, reduce_3, reduce_4, reduce_5, reduce_6.
Ltac solve_red :=
let H := fresh in let G := fresh in
match goal with
| |- ?P (S ?n) => assert (H:P n) by solve_red
| _ => idtac
intros n G x; destruct (le_lt_eq_dec _ _ G) as [LT|EQ];
solve [
apply (H _ (lt_n_Sm_le _ _ LT)) |
inversion LT |
subst; change (reduce 0 x = red_t 0 x); reflexivity |
specialize (H (pred n)); subst; destruct x;
[|unfold_red; rewrite H; auto]; reflexivity
Lemma reduce_equiv : forall n x, n <= Size -> reduce n x = red_t n x.
Lemma spec_reduce_n : forall n x, [reduce_n n x] = [Nn n x].
Lemma spec_reduce : forall n x, [reduce n x] = ZnZ.to_Z x.
End Make.