Library Coq.Numbers.Natural.BigN.NMake_gen


From a cyclic Z/nZ representation to arbitrary precision natural numbers.
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The word types

 Local Notation w0 := W0.t.
 Definition w1 := zn2z w0.
 Definition w2 := zn2z w1.
 Definition w3 := zn2z w2.
 Definition w4 := zn2z w3.
 Definition w5 := zn2z w4.
 Definition w6 := zn2z w5.

The operation type classes for the word types

 Local Notation w0_op := W0.ops.
 Instance w1_op : ZnZ.Ops w1 := mk_zn2z_ops w0_op.
 Instance w2_op : ZnZ.Ops w2 := mk_zn2z_ops w1_op.
 Instance w3_op : ZnZ.Ops w3 := mk_zn2z_ops w2_op.
 Instance w4_op : ZnZ.Ops w4 := mk_zn2z_ops_karatsuba w3_op.
 Instance w5_op : ZnZ.Ops w5 := mk_zn2z_ops_karatsuba w4_op.
 Instance w6_op : ZnZ.Ops w6 := mk_zn2z_ops_karatsuba w5_op.
 Instance w7_op : ZnZ.Ops (word w6 1) := mk_zn2z_ops_karatsuba w6_op.
 Instance w8_op : ZnZ.Ops (word w6 2) := mk_zn2z_ops_karatsuba w7_op.
 Instance w9_op : ZnZ.Ops (word w6 3) := mk_zn2z_ops_karatsuba w8_op.

 Section Make_op.
  Variable mk : forall , ZnZ.Ops -> ZnZ.Ops (zn2z ).

  Fixpoint make_op_aux (n:nat) : ZnZ.Ops (word w6 (S n)):=
   match n return ZnZ.Ops (word w6 (S n)) with
   | O => w7_op
   | S n1 =>
     match n1 return ZnZ.Ops (word w6 (S (S n1))) with
     | O => w8_op
     | S n2 =>
       match n2 return ZnZ.Ops (word w6 (S (S (S n2)))) with
       | O => w9_op
       | S n3 => mk _ (mk _ (mk _ (make_op_aux n3)))

 End Make_op.

 Definition omake_op := make_op_aux mk_zn2z_ops_karatsuba.

 Definition make_op_list := dmemo_list _ omake_op.

 Instance make_op n : ZnZ.Ops (word w6 (S n))
  := dmemo_get _ omake_op n make_op_list.

 Ltac unfold_ops := unfold omake_op, make_op_aux, w9_op, w8_op.

 Lemma make_op_omake: forall n, make_op n = omake_op n.

 Theorem make_op_S: forall n,
   make_op (S n) = mk_zn2z_ops_karatsuba (make_op n).

The main type t, isomorphic with exists n, word w0 n

 Inductive :=
  | N0 : w0 ->
  | N1 : w1 ->
  | N2 : w2 ->
  | N3 : w3 ->
  | N4 : w4 ->
  | N5 : w5 ->
  | N6 : w6 ->
  | Nn : forall n, word w6 (S n) -> .

 Definition t := .

A generic toolbox for building and deconstructing t

 Local Notation SizePlus n := (S (S (S (S (S (S n)))))).
 Local Notation Size := (SizePlus O).

 Tactic Notation "do_size" tactic(t) := do 7 t.

 Definition dom_t n := match n with
  | 0 => w0
  | 1 => w1
  | 2 => w2
  | 3 => w3
  | 4 => w4
  | 5 => w5
  | 6 => w6
  | SizePlus n => word w6 n

 Instance dom_op n : ZnZ.Ops (dom_t n) | 10.

 Definition iter_t {A:Type}(f : forall n, dom_t n -> A) : t -> A :=
  let f0 := f 0 in
  let f1 := f 1 in
  let f2 := f 2 in
  let f3 := f 3 in
  let f4 := f 4 in
  let f5 := f 5 in
  let f6 := f 6 in
  let fn n := f (SizePlus (S n)) in
  fun x => match x with
   | N0 wx => f0 wx
   | N1 wx => f1 wx
   | N2 wx => f2 wx
   | N3 wx => f3 wx
   | N4 wx => f4 wx
   | N5 wx => f5 wx
   | N6 wx => f6 wx
   | Nn n wx => fn n wx

 Definition mk_t (n:nat) : dom_t n -> t :=
  match n as return dom_t -> t with
   | 0 => N0
   | 1 => N1
   | 2 => N2
   | 3 => N3
   | 4 => N4
   | 5 => N5
   | 6 => N6
   | SizePlus (S n) => Nn n

 Definition level := iter_t (fun n _ => n).

 Inductive View_t : t -> Prop :=
  Mk_t : forall n (x : dom_t n), View_t (mk_t n x).

 Lemma destr_t : forall x, View_t x.

 Lemma iter_mk_t : forall A (f:forall n, dom_t n -> A),
 forall n x, iter_t f (mk_t n x) = f n x.

Projection to ZArith

 Definition to_Z : t -> Z :=
  Eval lazy beta iota delta [iter_t dom_t dom_op] in
  iter_t (fun _ x => ZnZ.to_Z x).

 Notation "[ x ]" := (to_Z x).

 Theorem spec_mk_t : forall n (x:dom_t n), [mk_t n x] = ZnZ.to_Z x.

Regular make op, without memoization or karatsuba

This will normally never be used for actual computations, but only for specification purpose when using word (dom_t n) m intermediate values.

 Fixpoint nmake_op (ww:Type) (ww_op: ZnZ.Ops ww) (n: nat) :
       ZnZ.Ops (word ww n) :=
  match n return ZnZ.Ops (word ww n) with
   O => ww_op
  | S n1 => mk_zn2z_ops (nmake_op ww ww_op n1)

 Let eval n m := ZnZ.to_Z (Ops:=nmake_op _ (dom_op n) m).

 Theorem nmake_op_S: forall ww (w_op: ZnZ.Ops ww) x,
   nmake_op _ w_op (S x) = mk_zn2z_ops (nmake_op _ w_op x).

 Theorem digits_nmake_S :forall n ww (w_op: ZnZ.Ops ww),
    ZnZ.digits (nmake_op _ w_op (S n)) =
    xO (ZnZ.digits (nmake_op _ w_op n)).

 Theorem digits_nmake : forall n ww (w_op: ZnZ.Ops ww),
    ZnZ.digits (nmake_op _ w_op n) = Pos.shiftl_nat (ZnZ.digits w_op) n.

 Theorem nmake_double: forall n ww (w_op: ZnZ.Ops ww),
    ZnZ.to_Z (Ops:=nmake_op _ w_op n) =
    @DoubleBase.double_to_Z _ (ZnZ.digits w_op) (ZnZ.to_Z (Ops:=w_op)) n.

 Theorem nmake_WW: forall ww ww_op n xh xl,
  (ZnZ.to_Z (Ops:=nmake_op ww ww_op (S n)) (WW xh xl) =
   ZnZ.to_Z (Ops:=nmake_op ww ww_op n) xh *
    base (ZnZ.digits (nmake_op ww ww_op n)) +
   ZnZ.to_Z (Ops:=nmake_op ww ww_op n) xl)%Z.

The specification proofs for the word operators

 Typeclasses Opaque w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6.

 Instance w0_spec: ZnZ.Specs w0_op := W0.specs.
 Instance w1_spec: ZnZ.Specs w1_op := mk_zn2z_specs w0_spec.
 Instance w2_spec: ZnZ.Specs w2_op := mk_zn2z_specs w1_spec.
 Instance w3_spec: ZnZ.Specs w3_op := mk_zn2z_specs w2_spec.
 Instance w4_spec: ZnZ.Specs w4_op := mk_zn2z_specs_karatsuba w3_spec.
 Instance w5_spec: ZnZ.Specs w5_op := mk_zn2z_specs_karatsuba w4_spec.
 Instance w6_spec: ZnZ.Specs w6_op := mk_zn2z_specs_karatsuba w5_spec.
 Instance w7_spec: ZnZ.Specs w7_op := mk_zn2z_specs_karatsuba w6_spec.

 Instance wn_spec (n:nat) : ZnZ.Specs (make_op n).

 Instance dom_spec n : ZnZ.Specs (dom_op n) | 10.

 Let make_op_WW : forall n x y,
   (ZnZ.to_Z (Ops:=make_op (S n)) (WW x y) =
    ZnZ.to_Z (Ops:=make_op n) x * base (ZnZ.digits (make_op n))
     + ZnZ.to_Z (Ops:=make_op n) y)%Z.


 Definition zero0 : w0 :=

 Definition zeron n : dom_t n :=
  match n with
   | O => zero0
   | SizePlus (S n) => W0
   | _ => W0

 Lemma spec_zeron : forall n, ZnZ.to_Z (zeron n) = 0%Z.


Conversion between zn2z (dom_t n) and dom_t (S n).

These two types are provably equal, but not convertible, hence we need some work. We now avoid using generic casts (i.e. rewrite via proof of equalities in types), since proving things with them is a mess.

 Definition succ_t n : zn2z (dom_t n) -> dom_t (S n) :=
  match n with
   | SizePlus (S _) => fun x => x
   | _ => fun x => x

 Lemma spec_succ_t : forall n x,
  ZnZ.to_Z (succ_t n x) =
  zn2z_to_Z (base (ZnZ.digits (dom_op n))) ZnZ.to_Z x.

 Definition pred_t n : dom_t (S n) -> zn2z (dom_t n) :=
  match n with
   | SizePlus (S _) => fun x => x
   | _ => fun x => x

 Lemma succ_pred_t : forall n x, succ_t n (pred_t n x) = x.

We can hence project from zn2z (dom_t n) to t :

 Definition mk_t_S n (x : zn2z (dom_t n)) : t :=
  mk_t (S n) (succ_t n x).

 Lemma spec_mk_t_S : forall n x,
  [mk_t_S n x] = zn2z_to_Z (base (ZnZ.digits (dom_op n))) ZnZ.to_Z x.

 Lemma mk_t_S_level : forall n x, level (mk_t_S n x) = S n.

Conversion from word (dom_t n) m to dom_t (m+n).

Things are more complex here. We start with a naive version that breaks zn2z-trees and reconstruct them. Doing this is quite unfortunate, but I don't know how to fully avoid that. (cast someday ?). Then we build an optimized version where all basic cases (n<=6 or m<=7) are nicely handled.

 Definition zn2z_map {A} {B} (f:A->B) (x:zn2z A) : zn2z B :=
  match x with
   | W0 => W0
   | WW h l => WW (f h) (f l)

 Lemma zn2z_map_id : forall A f (x:zn2z A), (forall u, f u = u) ->
   zn2z_map f x = x.

The naive version

 Fixpoint plus_t n m : word (dom_t n) m -> dom_t (m+n) :=
  match m as return word (dom_t n) -> dom_t (+n) with
   | O => fun x => x
   | S m => fun x => succ_t _ (zn2z_map (plus_t n m) x)

 Theorem spec_plus_t : forall n m (x:word (dom_t n) m),
  ZnZ.to_Z (plus_t n m x) = eval n m x.

 Definition mk_t_w n m (x:word (dom_t n) m) : t :=
   mk_t (m+n) (plus_t n m x).

 Theorem spec_mk_t_w : forall n m (x:word (dom_t n) m),
  [mk_t_w n m x] = eval n m x.

The optimized version.
NB: the last particular case for m could depend on n, but it's simplier to just expand everywhere up to m=7 (cf mk_t_w´ later).

 Definition plus_t´ n : forall m, word (dom_t n) m -> dom_t (m+n) :=
   match n return (forall m, word (dom_t n) m -> dom_t (m+n)) with
     | SizePlus (S ) as n => plus_t n
     | _ as n =>
         fun m => match m return (word (dom_t n) m -> dom_t (m+n)) with
                    | SizePlus (S (S )) as m => plus_t n m
                    | _ => fun x => x

 Lemma plus_t_equiv : forall n m x,
  plus_t´ n m x = plus_t n m x.

 Lemma spec_plus_t´ : forall n m x,
  ZnZ.to_Z (plus_t´ n m x) = eval n m x.

Particular cases Nk x = eval i j x with specific k,i,j can be solved by the following tactic

 Ltac solve_eval :=
  intros; rewrite <- spec_plus_t´; unfold to_Z; simpl dom_op; reflexivity.

The last particular case that remains useful

 Lemma spec_eval_size : forall n x, [Nn n x] = eval Size (S n) x.

An optimized mk_t_w.
We could say mk_t_w' := mk_t _ (plus_t' n m x) (TODO: WHY NOT, BTW ??). Instead we directly define functions for all intersting n, reverting to naive mk_t_w at places that should normally never be used (see mul and div_gt).

 Let mk_t_0w m := Eval cbv beta zeta iota delta [ mk_t plus ] in
  match m return word w0 (S m) -> t with
    | (S (S (S (S (S (S (S _))))))) as p => mk_t_w 0 (S p)
    | p => mk_t (1+p)

 Let mk_t_1w m := Eval cbv beta zeta iota delta [ mk_t plus ] in
  match m return word w1 (S m) -> t with
    | (S (S (S (S (S (S _)))))) as p => mk_t_w 1 (S p)
    | p => mk_t (2+p)

 Let mk_t_2w m := Eval cbv beta zeta iota delta [ mk_t plus ] in
  match m return word w2 (S m) -> t with
    | (S (S (S (S (S _))))) as p => mk_t_w 2 (S p)
    | p => mk_t (3+p)

 Let mk_t_3w m := Eval cbv beta zeta iota delta [ mk_t plus ] in
  match m return word w3 (S m) -> t with
    | (S (S (S (S _)))) as p => mk_t_w 3 (S p)
    | p => mk_t (4+p)

 Let mk_t_4w m := Eval cbv beta zeta iota delta [ mk_t plus ] in
  match m return word w4 (S m) -> t with
    | (S (S (S _))) as p => mk_t_w 4 (S p)
    | p => mk_t (5+p)

 Let mk_t_5w m := Eval cbv beta zeta iota delta [ mk_t plus ] in
  match m return word w5 (S m) -> t with
    | (S (S _)) as p => mk_t_w 5 (S p)
    | p => mk_t (6+p)

 Let mk_t_w´ n : forall m, word (dom_t n) (S m) -> t :=
  match n return (forall m, word (dom_t n) (S m) -> t) with
    | 0 => mk_t_0w
    | 1 => mk_t_1w
    | 2 => mk_t_2w
    | 3 => mk_t_3w
    | 4 => mk_t_4w
    | 5 => mk_t_5w
    | Size => Nn
    | _ as => fun m => mk_t_w (S m)

 Ltac solve_spec_mk_t_w´ :=
  rewrite <- spec_plus_t´;
  match goal with _ : word (dom_t ?n) ?m |- _ => apply (spec_mk_t (n+m)) end.

 Theorem spec_mk_t_w´ :
  forall n m x, [mk_t_w´ n m x] = eval n (S m) x.

Extend : injecting dom_t n into word (dom_t n) (S m)

 Definition extend n m (x:dom_t n) : word (dom_t n) (S m) :=
  DoubleBase.extend_aux m (WW (zeron n) x).

 Lemma spec_extend : forall n m x,
  [mk_t n x] = eval n (S m) (extend n m x).

A particular case of extend, used in same_level: extend_size is extend Size

 Definition extend_size := DoubleBase.extend (WW (W0:dom_t Size)).

 Lemma spec_extend_size : forall n x, [mk_t Size x] = [Nn n (extend_size n x)].

Misc results about extensions

 Let spec_extend_WW : forall n x,
  [Nn (S n) (WW W0 x)] = [Nn n x].

 Let spec_extend_tr: forall m n w,
 [Nn (m + n) (extend_tr w m)] = [Nn n w].

 Let spec_cast_l: forall n m x1,
 [Nn n x1] =
 [Nn (Max.max n m) (castm (diff_r n m) (extend_tr x1 (snd (diff n m))))].

 Let spec_cast_r: forall n m x1,
 [Nn m x1] =
 [Nn (Max.max n m) (castm (diff_l n m) (extend_tr x1 (fst (diff n m))))].

 Ltac unfold_lets :=
  match goal with
   | h : _ |- _ => unfold h; clear h; unfold_lets
   | _ => idtac


Generic binary operator construction, by extending the smaller argument to the level of the other.

 Section SameLevel.

  Variable res: Type.
  Variable P : Z -> Z -> res -> Prop.
  Variable f : forall n, dom_t n -> dom_t n -> res.
  Variable Pf : forall n x y, P (ZnZ.to_Z x) (ZnZ.to_Z y) (f n x y).

  Let f0 : w0 -> w0 -> res := f 0.
  Let f1 : w1 -> w1 -> res := f 1.
  Let f2 : w2 -> w2 -> res := f 2.
  Let f3 : w3 -> w3 -> res := f 3.
  Let f4 : w4 -> w4 -> res := f 4.
  Let f5 : w5 -> w5 -> res := f 5.
  Let f6 : w6 -> w6 -> res := f 6.
  Let fn n := f (SizePlus (S n)).

  Let Pf´ :
   forall n x y u v, u = [mk_t n x] -> v = [mk_t n y] -> P u v (f n x y).

  Notation same_level_folded := (fun x y => match x, y with
  | N0 wx, N0 wy => f0 wx wy
  | N0 wx, N1 wy => f1 (extend 0 0 wx) wy
  | N0 wx, N2 wy => f2 (extend 0 1 wx) wy
  | N0 wx, N3 wy => f3 (extend 0 2 wx) wy
  | N0 wx, N4 wy => f4 (extend 0 3 wx) wy
  | N0 wx, N5 wy => f5 (extend 0 4 wx) wy
  | N0 wx, N6 wy => f6 (extend 0 5 wx) wy
  | N0 wx, Nn m wy => fn m (extend_size m (extend 0 5 wx)) wy
  | N1 wx, N0 wy => f1 wx (extend 0 0 wy)
  | N1 wx, N1 wy => f1 wx wy
  | N1 wx, N2 wy => f2 (extend 1 0 wx) wy
  | N1 wx, N3 wy => f3 (extend 1 1 wx) wy
  | N1 wx, N4 wy => f4 (extend 1 2 wx) wy
  | N1 wx, N5 wy => f5 (extend 1 3 wx) wy
  | N1 wx, N6 wy => f6 (extend 1 4 wx) wy
  | N1 wx, Nn m wy => fn m (extend_size m (extend 1 4 wx)) wy
  | N2 wx, N0 wy => f2 wx (extend 0 1 wy)
  | N2 wx, N1 wy => f2 wx (extend 1 0 wy)
  | N2 wx, N2 wy => f2 wx wy
  | N2 wx, N3 wy => f3 (extend 2 0 wx) wy
  | N2 wx, N4 wy => f4 (extend 2 1 wx) wy
  | N2 wx, N5 wy => f5 (extend 2 2 wx) wy
  | N2 wx, N6 wy => f6 (extend 2 3 wx) wy
  | N2 wx, Nn m wy => fn m (extend_size m (extend 2 3 wx)) wy
  | N3 wx, N0 wy => f3 wx (extend 0 2 wy)
  | N3 wx, N1 wy => f3 wx (extend 1 1 wy)
  | N3 wx, N2 wy => f3 wx (extend 2 0 wy)
  | N3 wx, N3 wy => f3 wx wy
  | N3 wx, N4 wy => f4 (extend 3 0 wx) wy
  | N3 wx, N5 wy => f5 (extend 3 1 wx) wy
  | N3 wx, N6 wy => f6 (extend 3 2 wx) wy
  | N3 wx, Nn m wy => fn m (extend_size m (extend 3 2 wx)) wy
  | N4 wx, N0 wy => f4 wx (extend 0 3 wy)
  | N4 wx, N1 wy => f4 wx (extend 1 2 wy)
  | N4 wx, N2 wy => f4 wx (extend 2 1 wy)
  | N4 wx, N3 wy => f4 wx (extend 3 0 wy)
  | N4 wx, N4 wy => f4 wx wy
  | N4 wx, N5 wy => f5 (extend 4 0 wx) wy
  | N4 wx, N6 wy => f6 (extend 4 1 wx) wy
  | N4 wx, Nn m wy => fn m (extend_size m (extend 4 1 wx)) wy
  | N5 wx, N0 wy => f5 wx (extend 0 4 wy)
  | N5 wx, N1 wy => f5 wx (extend 1 3 wy)
  | N5 wx, N2 wy => f5 wx (extend 2 2 wy)
  | N5 wx, N3 wy => f5 wx (extend 3 1 wy)
  | N5 wx, N4 wy => f5 wx (extend 4 0 wy)
  | N5 wx, N5 wy => f5 wx wy
  | N5 wx, N6 wy => f6 (extend 5 0 wx) wy
  | N5 wx, Nn m wy => fn m (extend_size m (extend 5 0 wx)) wy
  | N6 wx, N0 wy => f6 wx (extend 0 5 wy)
  | N6 wx, N1 wy => f6 wx (extend 1 4 wy)
  | N6 wx, N2 wy => f6 wx (extend 2 3 wy)
  | N6 wx, N3 wy => f6 wx (extend 3 2 wy)
  | N6 wx, N4 wy => f6 wx (extend 4 1 wy)
  | N6 wx, N5 wy => f6 wx (extend 5 0 wy)
  | N6 wx, N6 wy => f6 wx wy
  | N6 wx, Nn m wy => fn m (extend_size m wx) wy
  | Nn n wx, N0 wy => fn n wx (extend_size n (extend 0 5 wy))
  | Nn n wx, N1 wy => fn n wx (extend_size n (extend 1 4 wy))
  | Nn n wx, N2 wy => fn n wx (extend_size n (extend 2 3 wy))
  | Nn n wx, N3 wy => fn n wx (extend_size n (extend 3 2 wy))
  | Nn n wx, N4 wy => fn n wx (extend_size n (extend 4 1 wy))
  | Nn n wx, N5 wy => fn n wx (extend_size n (extend 5 0 wy))
  | Nn n wx, N6 wy => fn n wx (extend_size n wy)
  | Nn n wx, Nn m wy =>
    let mn := Max.max n m in
    let d := diff n m in
     fn mn
       (castm (diff_r n m) (extend_tr wx (snd d)))
       (castm (diff_l n m) (extend_tr wy (fst d)))

  Definition same_level := Eval lazy beta iota delta
   [ DoubleBase.extend DoubleBase.extend_aux extend zeron ]
  in same_level_folded.

  Lemma spec_same_level_0: forall x y, P [x] [y] (same_level x y).

 End SameLevel.

 Theorem spec_same_level_dep :
  forall res
   (P : nat -> Z -> Z -> res -> Prop)
   (Pantimon : forall n m z r, n <= m -> P m z r -> P n z r)
   (f : forall n, dom_t n -> dom_t n -> res)
   (Pf: forall n x y, P n (ZnZ.to_Z x) (ZnZ.to_Z y) (f n x y)),
   forall x y, P (level x) [x] [y] (same_level f x y).


Generic binary operator construction, by splitting the larger argument in blocks and applying the smaller argument to them.

 Section Iter.

  Variable res: Type.
  Variable P: Z -> Z -> res -> Prop.

  Variable f : forall n, dom_t n -> dom_t n -> res.
  Variable Pf : forall n x y, P (ZnZ.to_Z x) (ZnZ.to_Z y) (f n x y).

  Variable fd : forall n m, dom_t n -> word (dom_t n) (S m) -> res.
  Variable fg : forall n m, word (dom_t n) (S m) -> dom_t n -> res.
  Variable Pfd : forall n m x y, P (ZnZ.to_Z x) (eval n (S m) y) (fd n m x y).
  Variable Pfg : forall n m x y, P (eval n (S m) x) (ZnZ.to_Z y) (fg n m x y).

  Variable fnm: forall n m, word (dom_t Size) (S n) -> word (dom_t Size) (S m) -> res.
  Variable Pfnm: forall n m x y, P [Nn n x] [Nn m y] (fnm n m x y).

  Let Pf´ :
   forall n x y u v, u = [mk_t n x] -> v = [mk_t n y] -> P u v (f n x y).

  Let Pfd´ : forall n m x y u v, u = [mk_t n x] -> v = eval n (S m) y ->
   P u v (fd n m x y).

  Let Pfg´ : forall n m x y u v, u = eval n (S m) x -> v = [mk_t n y] ->
   P u v (fg n m x y).

  Let f0 := f 0.
  Let f1 := f 1.
  Let f2 := f 2.
  Let f3 := f 3.
  Let f4 := f 4.
  Let f5 := f 5.
  Let f6 := f 6.
  Let f0n := fd 0.
  Let fn0 := fg 0.
  Let f1n := fd 1.
  Let fn1 := fg 1.
  Let f2n := fd 2.
  Let fn2 := fg 2.
  Let f3n := fd 3.
  Let fn3 := fg 3.
  Let f4n := fd 4.
  Let fn4 := fg 4.
  Let f5n := fd 5.
  Let fn5 := fg 5.
  Let f6n := fd 6.
  Let fn6 := fg 6.
  Notation iter_folded := (fun x y => match x, y with
  | N0 wx, N0 wy => f0 wx wy
  | N0 wx, N1 wy => f0n 0 wx wy
  | N0 wx, N2 wy => f0n 1 wx wy
  | N0 wx, N3 wy => f0n 2 wx wy
  | N0 wx, N4 wy => f0n 3 wx wy
  | N0 wx, N5 wy => f0n 4 wx wy
  | N0 wx, N6 wy => f0n 5 wx wy
  | N0 wx, Nn m wy => f6n m (extend 0 5 wx) wy
  | N1 wx, N0 wy => fn0 0 wx wy
  | N1 wx, N1 wy => f1 wx wy
  | N1 wx, N2 wy => f1n 0 wx wy
  | N1 wx, N3 wy => f1n 1 wx wy
  | N1 wx, N4 wy => f1n 2 wx wy
  | N1 wx, N5 wy => f1n 3 wx wy
  | N1 wx, N6 wy => f1n 4 wx wy
  | N1 wx, Nn m wy => f6n m (extend 1 4 wx) wy
  | N2 wx, N0 wy => fn0 1 wx wy
  | N2 wx, N1 wy => fn1 0 wx wy
  | N2 wx, N2 wy => f2 wx wy
  | N2 wx, N3 wy => f2n 0 wx wy
  | N2 wx, N4 wy => f2n 1 wx wy
  | N2 wx, N5 wy => f2n 2 wx wy
  | N2 wx, N6 wy => f2n 3 wx wy
  | N2 wx, Nn m wy => f6n m (extend 2 3 wx) wy
  | N3 wx, N0 wy => fn0 2 wx wy
  | N3 wx, N1 wy => fn1 1 wx wy
  | N3 wx, N2 wy => fn2 0 wx wy
  | N3 wx, N3 wy => f3 wx wy
  | N3 wx, N4 wy => f3n 0 wx wy
  | N3 wx, N5 wy => f3n 1 wx wy
  | N3 wx, N6 wy => f3n 2 wx wy
  | N3 wx, Nn m wy => f6n m (extend 3 2 wx) wy
  | N4 wx, N0 wy => fn0 3 wx wy
  | N4 wx, N1 wy => fn1 2 wx wy
  | N4 wx, N2 wy => fn2 1 wx wy
  | N4 wx, N3 wy => fn3 0 wx wy
  | N4 wx, N4 wy => f4 wx wy
  | N4 wx, N5 wy => f4n 0 wx wy
  | N4 wx, N6 wy => f4n 1 wx wy
  | N4 wx, Nn m wy => f6n m (extend 4 1 wx) wy
  | N5 wx, N0 wy => fn0 4 wx wy
  | N5 wx, N1 wy => fn1 3 wx wy
  | N5 wx, N2 wy => fn2 2 wx wy
  | N5 wx, N3 wy => fn3 1 wx wy
  | N5 wx, N4 wy => fn4 0 wx wy
  | N5 wx, N5 wy => f5 wx wy
  | N5 wx, N6 wy => f5n 0 wx wy
  | N5 wx, Nn m wy => f6n m (extend 5 0 wx) wy
  | N6 wx, N0 wy => fn0 5 wx wy
  | N6 wx, N1 wy => fn1 4 wx wy
  | N6 wx, N2 wy => fn2 3 wx wy
  | N6 wx, N3 wy => fn3 2 wx wy
  | N6 wx, N4 wy => fn4 1 wx wy
  | N6 wx, N5 wy => fn5 0 wx wy
  | N6 wx, N6 wy => f6 wx wy
  | N6 wx, Nn m wy => f6n m wx wy
  | Nn n wx, N0 wy => fn6 n wx (extend 0 5 wy)
  | Nn n wx, N1 wy => fn6 n wx (extend 1 4 wy)
  | Nn n wx, N2 wy => fn6 n wx (extend 2 3 wy)
  | Nn n wx, N3 wy => fn6 n wx (extend 3 2 wy)
  | Nn n wx, N4 wy => fn6 n wx (extend 4 1 wy)
  | Nn n wx, N5 wy => fn6 n wx (extend 5 0 wy)
  | Nn n wx, N6 wy => fn6 n wx wy
  | Nn n wx, Nn m wy => fnm n m wx wy

  Definition iter := Eval lazy beta iota delta
   [extend DoubleBase.extend DoubleBase.extend_aux zeron]
   in iter_folded.

  Lemma spec_iter: forall x y, P [x] [y] (iter x y).

  End Iter.

  Definition switch
  (P:nat->Type)(f0:P 0)(f1:P 1)(f2:P 2)(f3:P 3)(f4:P 4)(f5:P 5)(f6:P 6)
  (fn:forall n, P n) n :=
  match n return P n with
   | 0 => f0
   | 1 => f1
   | 2 => f2
   | 3 => f3
   | 4 => f4
   | 5 => f5
   | 6 => f6
   | n => fn n

  Lemma spec_switch : forall P (f:forall n, P n) n,
   switch P (f 0) (f 1) (f 2) (f 3) (f 4) (f 5) (f 6) f n = f n.


A variant of iter for symmetric functions, or pseudo-symmetric functions (when f y x can be deduced from f x y).

  Section IterSym.

  Variable res: Type.
  Variable P: Z -> Z -> res -> Prop.

  Variable f : forall n, dom_t n -> dom_t n -> res.
  Variable Pf : forall n x y, P (ZnZ.to_Z x) (ZnZ.to_Z y) (f n x y).

  Variable fg : forall n m, word (dom_t n) (S m) -> dom_t n -> res.
  Variable Pfg : forall n m x y, P (eval n (S m) x) (ZnZ.to_Z y) (fg n m x y).

  Variable fnm: forall n m, word (dom_t Size) (S n) -> word (dom_t Size) (S m) -> res.
  Variable Pfnm: forall n m x y, P [Nn n x] [Nn m y] (fnm n m x y).

  Variable opp: res -> res.
  Variable Popp : forall u v r, P u v r -> P v u (opp r).

  Let f0 := f 0.
  Let f1 := f 1.
  Let f2 := f 2.
  Let f3 := f 3.
  Let f4 := f 4.
  Let f5 := f 5.
  Let f6 := f 6.
  Let fn0 := fg 0.
  Let fn1 := fg 1.
  Let fn2 := fg 2.
  Let fn3 := fg 3.
  Let fn4 := fg 4.
  Let fn5 := fg 5.
  Let fn6 := fg 6.
  Let := switch _ f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f.
  Let fg´ := switch _ fn0 fn1 fn2 fn3 fn4 fn5 fn6 fg.
  Local Notation iter_sym_folded :=
   (iter res (fun n m x y => opp (fg´ n m y x)) fg´ fnm).

  Definition iter_sym :=
   Eval lazy beta zeta iota delta [iter fg´ switch] in iter_sym_folded.

  Lemma spec_iter_sym: forall x y, P [x] [y] (iter_sym x y).

  End IterSym.


reduce can be used instead of mk_t, it will choose the lowest possible level. NB: We only search and remove leftmost W0's via ZnZ.eq0, any non-W0 block ends the process, even if its value is 0.
First, a direct version ...

 Fixpoint red_t n : dom_t n -> t :=
  match n return dom_t n -> t with
   | O => N0
   | S n => fun x =>
     let := pred_t n x in
     reduce_n1 _ _ (N0 zero0) ZnZ.eq0 (red_t n) (mk_t_S n)

 Lemma spec_red_t : forall n x, [red_t n x] = [mk_t n x].

... then a specialized one

 Definition eq00 := @ZnZ.eq0 _ w0_op.
 Definition eq01 := @ZnZ.eq0 _ w1_op.
 Definition eq02 := @ZnZ.eq0 _ w2_op.
 Definition eq03 := @ZnZ.eq0 _ w3_op.
 Definition eq04 := @ZnZ.eq0 _ w4_op.
 Definition eq05 := @ZnZ.eq0 _ w5_op.
 Definition eq06 := @ZnZ.eq0 _ w6_op.

 Definition reduce_0 := N0.
 Definition reduce_1 :=
  Eval lazy beta iota delta [reduce_n1] in
   reduce_n1 _ _ (N0 zero0) eq00 reduce_0 N1.
 Definition reduce_2 :=
  Eval lazy beta iota delta [reduce_n1] in
   reduce_n1 _ _ (N0 zero0) eq01 reduce_1 N2.
 Definition reduce_3 :=
  Eval lazy beta iota delta [reduce_n1] in
   reduce_n1 _ _ (N0 zero0) eq02 reduce_2 N3.
 Definition reduce_4 :=
  Eval lazy beta iota delta [reduce_n1] in
   reduce_n1 _ _ (N0 zero0) eq03 reduce_3 N4.
 Definition reduce_5 :=
  Eval lazy beta iota delta [reduce_n1] in
   reduce_n1 _ _ (N0 zero0) eq04 reduce_4 N5.
 Definition reduce_6 :=
  Eval lazy beta iota delta [reduce_n1] in
   reduce_n1 _ _ (N0 zero0) eq05 reduce_5 N6.
 Definition reduce_7 :=
  Eval lazy beta iota delta [reduce_n1] in
   reduce_n1 _ _ (N0 zero0) eq06 reduce_6 (Nn 0).
 Definition reduce_n n :=
  Eval lazy beta iota delta [reduce_n] in
   reduce_n _ _ (N0 zero0) reduce_7 Nn n.

 Definition reduce n : dom_t n -> t :=
  match n with
   | 0 => reduce_0
   | 1 => reduce_1
   | 2 => reduce_2
   | 3 => reduce_3
   | 4 => reduce_4
   | 5 => reduce_5
   | 6 => reduce_6
   | SizePlus (S n) => reduce_n n

 Ltac unfold_red := unfold reduce, reduce_1, reduce_2, reduce_3, reduce_4, reduce_5, reduce_6.

 Ltac solve_red :=
 let H := fresh in let G := fresh in
 match goal with
  | |- ?P (S ?n) => assert (H:P n) by solve_red
  | _ => idtac
 intros n G x; destruct (le_lt_eq_dec _ _ G) as [LT|EQ];
 solve [
  apply (H _ (lt_n_Sm_le _ _ LT)) |
  inversion LT |
  subst; change (reduce 0 x = red_t 0 x); reflexivity |
  specialize (H (pred n)); subst; destruct x;
   [|unfold_red; rewrite H; auto]; reflexivity

 Lemma reduce_equiv : forall n x, n <= Size -> reduce n x = red_t n x.

 Lemma spec_reduce_n : forall n x, [reduce_n n x] = [Nn n x].

 Lemma spec_reduce : forall n x, [reduce n x] = ZnZ.to_Z x.

End Make.