Library Coq.Init.Logic
False is the always false proposition
not A, written ~A, is the negation of A
Definition not (A:Prop) := A -> False.
Notation "~ x" := (not x) : type_scope.
Hint Unfold not: core.
Notation "~ x" := (not x) : type_scope.
Hint Unfold not: core.
and A B, written A /\ B, is the conjunction of A and B
conj p q is a proof of A /\ B as soon as
p is a proof of A and q a proof of B
proj1 and proj2 are first and second projections of a conjunction
Inductive and (A B:Prop) : Prop :=
conj : A -> B -> A /\ B
where "A /\ B" := (and A B) : type_scope.
Section Conjunction.
Variables A B : Prop.
Theorem proj1 : A /\ B -> A.
Theorem proj2 : A /\ B -> B.
End Conjunction.
or A B, written A \/ B, is the disjunction of A and B
Inductive or (A B:Prop) : Prop :=
| or_introl : A -> A \/ B
| or_intror : B -> A \/ B
where "A \/ B" := (or A B) : type_scope.
iff A B, written A <-> B, expresses the equivalence of A and B
Definition iff (A B:Prop) := (A -> B) /\ (B -> A).
Notation "A <-> B" := (iff A B) : type_scope.
Section Equivalence.
Theorem iff_refl : forall A:Prop, A <-> A.
Theorem iff_trans : forall A B C:Prop, (A <-> B) -> (B <-> C) -> (A <-> C).
Theorem iff_sym : forall A B:Prop, (A <-> B) -> (B <-> A).
End Equivalence.
Hint Unfold iff: extcore.
Some equivalences
Theorem neg_false : forall A : Prop, ~ A <-> (A <-> False).
Theorem and_cancel_l : forall A B C : Prop,
(B -> A) -> (C -> A) -> ((A /\ B <-> A /\ C) <-> (B <-> C)).
Theorem and_cancel_r : forall A B C : Prop,
(B -> A) -> (C -> A) -> ((B /\ A <-> C /\ A) <-> (B <-> C)).
Theorem and_comm : forall A B : Prop, A /\ B <-> B /\ A.
Theorem and_assoc : forall A B C : Prop, (A /\ B) /\ C <-> A /\ B /\ C.
Theorem or_cancel_l : forall A B C : Prop,
(B -> ~ A) -> (C -> ~ A) -> ((A \/ B <-> A \/ C) <-> (B <-> C)).
Theorem or_cancel_r : forall A B C : Prop,
(B -> ~ A) -> (C -> ~ A) -> ((B \/ A <-> C \/ A) <-> (B <-> C)).
Theorem or_comm : forall A B : Prop, (A \/ B) <-> (B \/ A).
Theorem or_assoc : forall A B C : Prop, (A \/ B) \/ C <-> A \/ B \/ C.
Backward direction of the equivalences above does not need assumptions
Theorem and_iff_compat_l : forall A B C : Prop,
(B <-> C) -> (A /\ B <-> A /\ C).
Theorem and_iff_compat_r : forall A B C : Prop,
(B <-> C) -> (B /\ A <-> C /\ A).
Theorem or_iff_compat_l : forall A B C : Prop,
(B <-> C) -> (A \/ B <-> A \/ C).
Theorem or_iff_compat_r : forall A B C : Prop,
(B <-> C) -> (B \/ A <-> C \/ A).
Lemma iff_and : forall A B : Prop, (A <-> B) -> (A -> B) /\ (B -> A).
Lemma iff_to_and : forall A B : Prop, (A <-> B) <-> (A -> B) /\ (B -> A).
(IF_then_else P Q R), written IF P then Q else R denotes
either P and Q, or ~P and Q
Definition IF_then_else (P Q R:Prop) := P /\ Q \/ ~ P /\ R.
Notation "´IF´ c1 ´then´ c2 ´else´ c3" := (IF_then_else c1 c2 c3)
(at level 200, right associativity) : type_scope.
First-order quantifiers
Inductive ex (A:Type) (P:A -> Prop) : Prop :=
ex_intro : forall x:A, P x -> ex (A:=A) P.
Inductive ex2 (A:Type) (P Q:A -> Prop) : Prop :=
ex_intro2 : forall x:A, P x -> Q x -> ex2 (A:=A) P Q.
Definition all (A:Type) (P:A -> Prop) := forall x:A, P x.
Notation "´exists´ x .. y , p" := (ex (fun x => .. (ex (fun y => p)) ..))
(at level 200, x binder, right associativity,
format "'[' 'exists' '/ ' x .. y , '/ ' p ']'")
: type_scope.
Notation "´exists2´ x , p & q" := (ex2 (fun x => p) (fun x => q))
(at level 200, x ident, p at level 200, right associativity) : type_scope.
Notation "´exists2´ x : t , p & q" := (ex2 (fun x:t => p) (fun x:t => q))
(at level 200, x ident, t at level 200, p at level 200, right associativity,
format "'[' 'exists2' '/ ' x : t , '/ ' '[' p & '/' q ']' ']'")
: type_scope.
Derived rules for universal quantification
Section universal_quantification.
Variable A : Type.
Variable P : A -> Prop.
Theorem inst : forall x:A, all (fun x => P x) -> P x.
Theorem gen : forall (B:Prop) (f:forall y:A, B -> P y), B -> all P.
End universal_quantification.
Inductive eq (A:Type) (x:A) : A -> Prop :=
eq_refl : x = x :>A
where "x = y :> A" := (@eq A x y) : type_scope.
Notation "x = y" := (x = y :>_) : type_scope.
Notation "x <> y :> T" := (~ x = y :>T) : type_scope.
Notation "x <> y" := (x <> y :>_) : type_scope.
Hint Resolve I conj or_introl or_intror eq_refl: core.
Hint Resolve ex_intro ex_intro2: core.
Section Logic_lemmas.
Theorem absurd : forall A C:Prop, A -> ~ A -> C.
Section equality.
Variables A B : Type.
Variable f : A -> B.
Variables x y z : A.
Theorem eq_sym : x = y -> y = x.
Opaque eq_sym.
Theorem eq_trans : x = y -> y = z -> x = z.
Opaque eq_trans.
Theorem f_equal : x = y -> f x = f y.
Opaque f_equal.
Theorem not_eq_sym : x <> y -> y <> x.
End equality.
Definition eq_ind_r :
forall (A:Type) (x:A) (P:A -> Prop), P x -> forall y:A, y = x -> P y.
Definition eq_rec_r :
forall (A:Type) (x:A) (P:A -> Set), P x -> forall y:A, y = x -> P y.
Definition eq_rect_r :
forall (A:Type) (x:A) (P:A -> Type), P x -> forall y:A, y = x -> P y.
End Logic_lemmas.
Module EqNotations.
Notation "´rew´ H ´in´ H´" := (eq_rect _ _ H´ _ H)
(at level 10, H´ at level 10).
Notation "´rew´ <- H ´in´ H´" := (eq_rect_r _ H´ H)
(at level 10, H´ at level 10).
Notation "´rew´ -> H ´in´ H´" := (eq_rect _ _ H´ _ H)
(at level 10, H´ at level 10, only parsing).
End EqNotations.
Theorem f_equal2 :
forall (A1 A2 B:Type) (f:A1 -> A2 -> B) (x1 y1:A1)
(x2 y2:A2), x1 = y1 -> x2 = y2 -> f x1 x2 = f y1 y2.
Theorem f_equal3 :
forall (A1 A2 A3 B:Type) (f:A1 -> A2 -> A3 -> B) (x1 y1:A1)
(x2 y2:A2) (x3 y3:A3),
x1 = y1 -> x2 = y2 -> x3 = y3 -> f x1 x2 x3 = f y1 y2 y3.
Theorem f_equal4 :
forall (A1 A2 A3 A4 B:Type) (f:A1 -> A2 -> A3 -> A4 -> B)
(x1 y1:A1) (x2 y2:A2) (x3 y3:A3) (x4 y4:A4),
x1 = y1 -> x2 = y2 -> x3 = y3 -> x4 = y4 -> f x1 x2 x3 x4 = f y1 y2 y3 y4.
Theorem f_equal5 :
forall (A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B:Type) (f:A1 -> A2 -> A3 -> A4 -> A5 -> B)
(x1 y1:A1) (x2 y2:A2) (x3 y3:A3) (x4 y4:A4) (x5 y5:A5),
x1 = y1 ->
x2 = y2 ->
x3 = y3 -> x4 = y4 -> x5 = y5 -> f x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 = f y1 y2 y3 y4 y5.
Notation sym_eq := eq_sym (compat "8.3").
Notation trans_eq := eq_trans (compat "8.3").
Notation sym_not_eq := not_eq_sym (compat "8.3").
Notation refl_equal := eq_refl (compat "8.3").
Notation sym_equal := eq_sym (compat "8.3").
Notation trans_equal := eq_trans (compat "8.3").
Notation sym_not_equal := not_eq_sym (compat "8.3").
Hint Immediate eq_sym not_eq_sym: core.
Basic definitions about relations and properties
Definition subrelation (A B : Type) (R R´ : A->B->Prop) :=
forall x y, R x y -> R´ x y.
Definition unique (A : Type) (P : A->Prop) (x:A) :=
P x /\ forall (x´:A), P x´ -> x=x´.
Definition uniqueness (A:Type) (P:A->Prop) := forall x y, P x -> P y -> x = y.
Unique existence
Notation "´exists´ ! x .. y , p" :=
(ex (unique (fun x => .. (ex (unique (fun y => p))) ..)))
(at level 200, x binder, right associativity,
format "'[' 'exists' ! '/ ' x .. y , '/ ' p ']'")
: type_scope.
Lemma unique_existence : forall (A:Type) (P:A->Prop),
((exists x, P x) /\ uniqueness P) <-> (exists! x, P x).
Lemma forall_exists_unique_domain_coincide :
forall A (P:A->Prop), (exists! x, P x) ->
forall Q:A->Prop, (forall x, P x -> Q x) <-> (exists x, P x /\ Q x).
Lemma forall_exists_coincide_unique_domain :
forall A (P:A->Prop),
(forall Q:A->Prop, (forall x, P x -> Q x) <-> (exists x, P x /\ Q x))
-> (exists! x, P x).
Being inhabited
Inductive inhabited (A:Type) : Prop := inhabits : A -> inhabited A.
Hint Resolve inhabits: core.
Lemma exists_inhabited : forall (A:Type) (P:A->Prop),
(exists x, P x) -> inhabited A.
Declaration of stepl and stepr for eq and iff