Library Coq.QArith.Qreals

Require Export Rbase.
Require Export QArith_base.

Injection of rational numbers into real numbers.

Definition Q2R (x : Q) : R := (IZR (Qnum x) * / IZR (QDen x))%R.

Lemma IZR_nz : forall p : positive, IZR (Zpos p) <> 0%R.

Hint Resolve IZR_nz Rmult_integral_contrapositive.

Lemma eqR_Qeq : forall x y : Q, Q2R x = Q2R y -> x==y.

Lemma Qeq_eqR : forall x y : Q, x==y -> Q2R x = Q2R y.

Lemma Rle_Qle : forall x y : Q, (Q2R x <= Q2R y)%R -> x<=y.

Lemma Qle_Rle : forall x y : Q, x<=y -> (Q2R x <= Q2R y)%R.

Lemma Rlt_Qlt : forall x y : Q, (Q2R x < Q2R y)%R -> x<y.

Lemma Qlt_Rlt : forall x y : Q, x<y -> (Q2R x < Q2R y)%R.

Lemma Q2R_plus : forall x y : Q, Q2R (x+y) = (Q2R x + Q2R y)%R.

Lemma Q2R_mult : forall x y : Q, Q2R (x*y) = (Q2R x * Q2R y)%R.

Lemma Q2R_opp : forall x : Q, Q2R (- x) = (- Q2R x)%R.

Lemma Q2R_minus : forall x y : Q, Q2R (x-y) = (Q2R x - Q2R y)%R.

Lemma Q2R_inv : forall x : Q, ~ x==0 -> Q2R (/x) = (/ Q2R x)%R.

Lemma Q2R_div :
 forall x y : Q, ~ y==0 -> Q2R (x/y) = (Q2R x / Q2R y)%R.

Hint Rewrite Q2R_plus Q2R_mult Q2R_opp Q2R_minus Q2R_inv Q2R_div : q2r_simpl.

Section LegacyQField.

In the past, the field tactic was not able to deal with setoid datatypes, so translating from Q to R and applying field on reals was a workaround. See now Qfield for a direct field tactic on Q.

Ltac QField := apply eqR_Qeq; autorewrite with q2r_simpl; try field; auto.

Examples of use:

Let ex1 : forall x y z : Q, (x+y)*z == (x*z)+(y*z).

Let ex2 : forall x y : Q, ~ y==0 -> (x/y)*y == x.

End LegacyQField.