Library Coq.Numbers.Integer.Abstract.ZPow
Properties of the power function
Require Import Bool ZAxioms ZMulOrder ZParity ZSgnAbs NZPow.
Module Type ZPowProp
(Import A : ZAxiomsSig´)
(Import B : ZMulOrderProp A)
(Import C : ZParityProp A B)
(Import D : ZSgnAbsProp A B).
Include NZPowProp A A B.
A particular case of pow_add_r, with no precondition
Parity of power
Lemma even_pow : forall a b, 0<b -> even (a^b) = even a.
Lemma odd_pow : forall a b, 0<b -> odd (a^b) = odd a.
Properties of power of negative numbers
Lemma pow_opp_even : forall a b, Even b -> (-a)^b == a^b.
Lemma pow_opp_odd : forall a b, Odd b -> (-a)^b == -(a^b).
Lemma pow_even_abs : forall a b, Even b -> a^b == (abs a)^b.
Lemma pow_even_nonneg : forall a b, Even b -> 0 <= a^b.
Lemma pow_odd_abs_sgn : forall a b, Odd b -> a^b == sgn a * (abs a)^b.
Lemma pow_odd_sgn : forall a b, 0<=b -> Odd b -> sgn (a^b) == sgn a.
Lemma abs_pow : forall a b, abs (a^b) == (abs a)^b.
End ZPowProp.