Library Coq.NArith.Nnat

Require Import Arith_base Compare_dec Sumbool Div2 Min Max.
Require Import BinPos BinNat Pnat.

Conversions from N to nat

Module N2Nat.

N.to_nat is a bijection between N and nat, with Pos.of_nat as reciprocal. See below for the dual equation.

Lemma id a : N.of_nat (N.to_nat a) = a.

N.to_nat is hence injective

Lemma inj a : N.to_nat a = N.to_nat -> a = .

Lemma inj_iff a : N.to_nat a = N.to_nat <-> a = .

Interaction of this translation and usual operations.

Conversions from nat to N

Module Nat2N.

N.of_nat is an bijection between nat and N, with Pos.to_nat as reciprocal. See above for the dual equation.

Lemma id n : N.to_nat (N.of_nat n) = n.

Hint Rewrite id : Nnat.
Ltac nat2N := apply N2Nat.inj; now autorewrite with Nnat.

N.of_nat is hence injective

Lemma inj n : N.of_nat n = N.of_nat -> n = .

Lemma inj_iff n : N.of_nat n = N.of_nat <-> n = .

Interaction of this translation and usual operations.

Lemma inj_double n : N.of_nat (2*n) = N.double (N.of_nat n).

Lemma inj_succ_double n : N.of_nat (S (2*n)) = N.succ_double (N.of_nat n).

Lemma inj_succ n : N.of_nat (S n) = N.succ (N.of_nat n).

Lemma inj_pred n : N.of_nat (pred n) = N.pred (N.of_nat n).

Lemma inj_add n : N.of_nat (n+) = (N.of_nat n + N.of_nat )%N.

Lemma inj_sub n : N.of_nat (n-) = (N.of_nat n - N.of_nat )%N.

Lemma inj_mul n : N.of_nat (n*) = (N.of_nat n * N.of_nat )%N.

Lemma inj_div2 n : N.of_nat (div2 n) = N.div2 (N.of_nat n).

Lemma inj_compare n :
  nat_compare n = (N.of_nat n ?= N.of_nat )%N.

Lemma inj_min n :
  N.of_nat (min n ) = N.min (N.of_nat n) (N.of_nat ).

Lemma inj_max n :
  N.of_nat (max n ) = N.max (N.of_nat n) (N.of_nat ).

Lemma inj_iter n {A} (f:A->A) (x:A) :
  nat_iter n f x = N.iter (N.of_nat n) f x.

End Nat2N.

Hint Rewrite : Nnat.

Compatibility notations

Notation nat_of_N_inj := N2Nat.inj (compat "8.3").
Notation N_of_nat_of_N := (compat "8.3").
Notation nat_of_Ndouble := N2Nat.inj_double (compat "8.3").
Notation nat_of_Ndouble_plus_one := N2Nat.inj_succ_double (compat "8.3").
Notation nat_of_Nsucc := N2Nat.inj_succ (compat "8.3").
Notation nat_of_Nplus := N2Nat.inj_add (compat "8.3").
Notation nat_of_Nmult := N2Nat.inj_mul (compat "8.3").
Notation nat_of_Nminus := N2Nat.inj_sub (compat "8.3").
Notation nat_of_Npred := N2Nat.inj_pred (compat "8.3").
Notation nat_of_Ndiv2 := N2Nat.inj_div2 (compat "8.3").
Notation nat_of_Ncompare := N2Nat.inj_compare (compat "8.3").
Notation nat_of_Nmax := N2Nat.inj_max (compat "8.3").
Notation nat_of_Nmin := N2Nat.inj_min (compat "8.3").

Notation nat_of_N_of_nat := (compat "8.3").
Notation N_of_nat_inj := Nat2N.inj (compat "8.3").
Notation N_of_double := Nat2N.inj_double (compat "8.3").
Notation N_of_double_plus_one := Nat2N.inj_succ_double (compat "8.3").
Notation N_of_S := Nat2N.inj_succ (compat "8.3").
Notation N_of_pred := Nat2N.inj_pred (compat "8.3").
Notation N_of_plus := Nat2N.inj_add (compat "8.3").
Notation N_of_minus := Nat2N.inj_sub (compat "8.3").
Notation N_of_mult := Nat2N.inj_mul (compat "8.3").
Notation N_of_div2 := Nat2N.inj_div2 (compat "8.3").
Notation N_of_nat_compare := Nat2N.inj_compare (compat "8.3").
Notation N_of_min := Nat2N.inj_min (compat "8.3").
Notation N_of_max := Nat2N.inj_max (compat "8.3").